Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Halfway There!

Hello Viewers,
Since my last blog post, I have made little progress on my genius project due to more procrastination. Throughout these next few weeks, I plan to really increase my productivity for this assignment. Although my progress was less than sufficient since my last post, there still is a small bit of the project that I have accomplished. For instance, I was able to add a little bit to my plan. Also, I finalized my public pitch and filled out the google form so that step is certainly complete.
But to complete the entire project, there is still a significant amount of work to be done. I will need to finalize my plan for the project as well as finish and edit past blog posts. Then lastly, I need to work on the final product. This will consist of research documents, training exercises, websites where coaches frequently go to recruit, and tips to consider on the path of recruitment. So the road ahead will most likely be long and a bit stressful, but hopefully the end result will be profitable.
I'm still feeling pretty confident about my project despite all of the work I still need to complete which I have listed above. I remain confident because I feel if I really apply myself, this project could end up being one of my greatest. Besides that, I believe the idea I've come up with is relevant to a substantial amount of people and could prove to be helpful to all of them. There are plenty of division 5 high school athletes committed to basketball who dream of the opportunity to play at the next level but it just seems out of reach. That's why I think my end product, if utilized, could be positively effective.
I have indeed had to adjust my plan throughout this whole process. The reason I've had to adjust it is due to me falling somewhat behind. Because of this, I've had to adjust my plan by setting aside more and more time to work on this and catch up. Also, I've had to extend dates that I had planned on finishing steps by. So as I've stated before, there is still a lot to be accomplished, but hopefully in the end all of the stress and time spent will be worth it. Thank you viewers for reading! More to come. Also, enjoy the image I've placed below accurately displaying what I'll look like these next few weeks attempting to catch up on the project.

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