Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Hello Viewers,
        I'm satisfied to inform you of my recent progress regarding my Genius Project final product! I've found a lot more additional research on the subject of basketball recruitment that I believe will prove to be extremely helpful to those who utilize it effectively. For instance, as I stated in my public pitch video which is currently on YouTube, even with all of the resources in the world, if you don't have the skill you will not be recruited. So one of the first resources I collected was an effective workout posted by USA Basketball conducted by esteemed basketball minds: USA Basketball 45 Minute Daily Workout. Studies say repetition of the correct habits signify positive outcomes.
        Now, what I have left to complete is the final product of the project itself as well as the plan. For the plan, I've made a good amount of progress and I know exactly what I need to do to complete it so it shouldn't take up an abundant amount of time. For the final product however, I'd estimate it'd take up most of the remaining project time we have left for this project. Originally, I had planned on putting all of the steps into a presentation but unfortunately the presentation and the final product are required to be two separate pieces. So instead, I decided I'd create a website. I have already found the website which I'll be utilizing in order to make my own which I screenshotted and placed below.

So by Monday I plan on starting this website.
        This is obviously one of the few changes that I have made to my plan considering previously I wasn't planning on creating a website. This is the only recent change that comes to mind regarding my Genius Project Plan. Ultimately though, I am still feeling very confident about my plan and about the final product. Although, with the due date for this project nearing and nearing, the realization that I will have to complete a presentation in front of a large group of people is becoming more and more evident. Due to my lack of confidence with presentations, I'm planning on setting a lot of time aside to practice the presentation and build up my confidence. So, we'll see how it goes when the time comes. But other than that everything's going very well. Thank you again for your time! More to come.