Monday, June 6, 2016

Almost There!

Hello Viewers,
        I'm so close to the end goal! I can't believe that I'm nearing not only the close of this project but of my sophomore year as well which marks the halfway point of my high school career. But that's irrelevant at the moment, let's get down to business. I've been doing my best to stay on track as the final deadline approaches at a rapid pace. I feel like a broken record as once again I have to repeat myself: there is a lot to be done. Although, the good news is, I have created the basic aspects of my website. As I already stated in a previous blog post, the website I'm utilizing for this is, Wiz Websites. Below, I've posted a picture of a preview of what my website will look like.
         The things still included for me to complete this project include, first of all, putting together all of the research that I have obtained on this subject. This step will include creating all of the steps with research to back them up. I have already conducted all the research, I just need to utilize them for each of the steps. This will prove that the steps are not made up and have evidence to back them up. Lastly, and the most important step in my opinion will be practicing for the presentation. I've already expressed how presentations and public speech is my kryptonite in a sense. Due to this unfortunate situation, in order for my presentations to be even halfway decent, I need to practice for a great deal of time. This is what I plan on doing for this project in particular. 
        But ultimately, I'm feeling pretty confident about how this project is turning out. The final product is looking even better than I expected. There have been a few changes that I've made though, and may be soon to make as well. For example, I might change which website creator I'll use to place my steps. The reason behind this is because this website creator is more for business. Whereas I'd like a template that is rather general in use. The website I was thinking of is Weebly. I've pasted a picture of it below. 

The reason I'm considering this is because you can chose to make a personal template for your website. Whereas the one I'm utilizing at the moment does not have this option. Until next time viewers, thank you again for your time! More to come.

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