Thursday, January 7, 2016

Just the Beginning

Hello Viewers,

        We are merely within the first few days of the Genius Project so I'm honestly not too sure of my feelings associated with it. On one hand, I'm thrilled to take a break from structured projects and get the opportunity to express my own ideas and interests with my class mates and teachers. Although, on the other hand, it seems as if it is a lot of extra work adding on to an already busy schedule that we all have. Not to mention I receive chills every time I even begin to think about presenting my idea to the entire class. But besides that, it seems like a great opportunity which I look forward to continuing and completing as well.
        As I stated before, what I'm most excited about is getting the opportunity to express an idea that I'm actually passionate about as well as taking short breaks from the regular school work we have to complete and doing something I enjoy. First of all, my project is based upon how to be recruited to a school for basketball. So due to the topic I chose, I get the opportunity to obtain insightful information from research about being recruited which is something I'd love to consider. So throughout this project, I not only get the chance to research something I love but also prepare myself for the next few years when this information will become extremely relevant and useful.
        But the thing I'm most nervous about for this project is most definitely the presentation as I stated before. I've always been the type of person who would rather write an essay or take a test than complete a presentation in front of the class. So being confident throughout a presentation would definitely be one way that I'd love to grow as a student and as a person throughout this project.
        One way that I'd like to grow throughout the duration of this project is as I said, to become a better public speaker because I know that that is an extremely important skill to obtain for not only the rest of college or high school but life in general as well. Another way that I'd love to grow throughout this project is to become much better with the skill of time management. I have on several occasions waited till the last second to complete something and still done okay but always been left with the lingering feeling that I could have done better which is not how I want to feel once this is done. Also, after talking to some of the students who did this last year, they all said that time management was the most important thing to keep in mind because if you get behind it's extremely difficult to catch back up. So that's another way I'd like to grow in this project.
        Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog! I hope you enjoyed it and there is more on the way.

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