Thursday, April 14, 2016

Can Only Get Better From Here

Hello Again,

        Not much has changed regarding my Genius Project since my last blog post. I have found myself growing repetitive in my own mind making promises to myself concerning making process and catching up. Although, of the little progress I did complete throughout the time since my last post, I was able to make a dent in a couple other past blog posts. Also, I was able to add a few more steps for my plan on what I will complete in the future for this project. So I can admit with ease that the productivity has been lacking and my efficiency will definitely increase by the next team I post a new blog.
        There is still an abundance of work to be done for me to complete the entire project including the final product. I will need to finish and edit past blog posts. I'm also going to be needing to adding and adjusting to my plan. Then, lastly, I will be needing to put together and compose the final product. This will include a large amount of research to obtain more knowledge on the subject so I have reason behind my suggestions. I will also need to find more websites where coaches spend time reviewing highlights and statistics of high school players. Although there is already one which I have found and have been using for the past several months which I have displayed below. Plus, training exercises for players to improve their game and be ready for displaying their skills for the next level.
        I've already said it several times, I will continue to say it in the future, and I will say it again now: I remain confident with this current project and the final product that I will be producing for it. I'm pleased with the idea behind it and I feel as if it can help hundreds of students if followed and used effectively. Hopefully I will be able to produce the final product the way that I have envisioned it.
        I actually have had to adjust my plan a little lately. The only reason I've had to is because of my lack of productivity. I have had to push back deadlines that I had for myself. I've also had to add more things to do after realizing how much more work I still need to complete. But ultimately, I think everything will start to go better as my efficiency does. Thank you all for reading! More to come.